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Fing - Network Scanner

Fing - Network Scanner

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:9.9 MB
  3. 版本:3.6.0
    1. 分类:办公理财
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2016-08-23

  1. 标签:Fing - Network Scanner


  1. 应用简介

  1. 简介:Fing, the top ranking, completely free and s... Fing - Network Scanner
    Fing, the top ranking, completely free and super-fast network scanner, that’s used by millions of homes and professionals around the world.

    Discover which devices are connected to any Wi-Fi network, map devices, detect intruders, assess network security risks, troubleshoot network problems and achieve best network performance, with the world’s most popular network toolkit.

    With more than a dozen free network tools including; Wi-Fi scanner, port scanner, DNS lookup, ping and service monitoring Fing is a must-have network utility.

    Fing network utilities include:
    + Wi-Fi/LAN scanner: discover all devices connected to any network
    + Full device details including IP address, MAC address, Device Name, Vendor, Device Manufacturer and more
    + Advanced analysis of NetBIOS, UPNP and Bonjour names, properties and device types
    + Inventory of devices and networks
    + Internet connectivity checker
    + ISP analysis and location
    + Subnet scanner
    + Port scanner: TCP port scanning that automatically finds open ports and available services
    + Ping and traceroute: for network quality measurement
    + WOL: remotely wake up devices
    + DNS Lookup and reverse DNS lookup
    + Connect to ports (Browser, SSH, FTP)
    + Network intruder detection
    + Network monitoring: device online and offline tracking
    + Supports device identification by IP address for bridged networks
    + Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
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