足球英雄 Soccer Hero:一款有趣的足球游戏。游戏中玩家将体验从一名球员小将到一名超级足球英雄的养成过程。
《足球英雄 Soccer Hero》是一款情景逼真的令人爱不释手的足球游戏。快来体验在球场上的激情,小到5人制足球,大至国际比赛。你可以在这里体验从一名球员到一名超级球星的养成过程,不断锻炼你在球场上的技巧!掌握精确的射门角度。成为联赛的最佳射手!让你一球成名!tips:足球是一个多人游戏哦,拿球不要太自私哦,尽量给你的伙伴们传球。团队的胜利才是最好的!
fix goal is not scored when it touches your partner
fix achievement score 100 goal and complete training
fix the keeper never rejects
fix conflicts stats
fix penalty and overtime chance
fix not called / bench
rewritten tuning ball vertical
fix goalkeeper into the goal with the ball (?)
new room on shot on goal
rewritten to the shooting player
tuning throw the ball vertical
fix header from a distance to the door
difficulties matches (depends more teams)