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Banx 桌面主题

Banx 桌面主题

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:1次
  2. 大小:16.2M
  3. 版本:v1.2.5
    1. 分类:主题桌面
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-10-29

  1. 标签:Banx 桌面主题


  1. 应用简介

  1.   Banx 桌面主题:貌似关于桌面主题的图标包的软件有很多,这款叫做Banx的主题不管是从图标设计还是壁纸的选择整体质量都很高,感觉不错。

      超过 800 自定义图标
      12 壁纸包括
      This theme works well with:
      Go Launcher
      Holo Launcher
      It may work with other varying launchers found on the market but has not been tested for compatibility with all.
      - Designed for XHDPI devices. Resolution may vary depending on your device.
      - Icons will continuously be added as time progresses. We will try to honor all icon request as they come in. However, it may not be possible to get all finished at one time so they will be added as the app is updated.
      - Please email us for any issues you may be experiencing. We want to ensure that you the user have the best possible experience with our work as possible.
      -Special thanks to ChainsDD for helping me to get the new app design up and running.


      New icons added
      Lots of icon activity clean up
      Remember to Smile
      If any icons become un-themed please let us know so we can fix quickly.

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