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inKa文件管理器(inKa File Manager Plus)

inKa文件管理器(inKa File Manager Plus)

  1. 无广告
  1. 下载:0次
  2. 大小:3.5M
  3. 版本:v0.9.0
    1. 分类:系统工具
    2. 适用:2.1及以上
    3. 2014-10-23

  1. 标签:inKa文件管理器(inKa File Manager Plus)


  1. 应用简介

  1.   inKa File Manager Plus(inKa文件管理器):这款文件管理器看上去非常干净,个人非常喜欢这种干净的界面,非常舒服,找起文件来也非常方便。

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      The free version is supported by AdMob advertisements.inKa File Manager is a file manager for Google Android. inKa is able to copy, move, rename, delete, open as well as archive your files. So maintaining your files becomes easy without the need of a computer.
      - Navigate the file system
      - Bookmarks
      - Search
      - Delete, rename, send and open files
      - Cut, copy and paste
      - Create and extract ZIP archives
      - Thumbnails for images
      - Listview and gridview
      - Rescan media library
      - Root support (EXPERIMENTAL)
      If you like to help translate the application please refer to this website: http://www.getlocalization.com/inkafilemanager/
      INKA文件管理器是谷歌Android文件管理器。 INKA是能够复制,移动,重命名,删除,打开您的文件以及归档。因此,维护您的文件变得容易,而不需要一台电脑。

    inKa文件管理器(inKa File Manager Plus)的特色

      - 文件系统导航
      - 书签
      - 搜索
      - 删除,重命名,发送和打开文件
      - 剪切,复制和粘贴
      - 创建和解压ZIP档案
      - 缩略图图像
      - ListView和GridView的
      - 重新扫描媒体库
      - 根支持(实验)


      Switched advertising to AdMob mediation

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